Reviving Tradition: Introducing Our New Collection of Pattu Pavadais for Babies and Girls

I am thrilled to introduce a new collection of pattu pavadais for babies and girls up to the age of 9. The pattu pavadai holds a special place in my heart, as it is a traditional silk outfit worn by young girls in South India that reminds me of my own childhood memories.
Growing up in a small town, i remember how much i embraced my ethnic pattu langa and witnessed the slow exit of the pavadai from our wardrobes, as young girls preferred to wear outfits with Western sensibilities. This had a lot to do with the lack of design innovation in the industry, which struggled to keep pace with the changing times.
But now, we are moving towards embracing our identity and wearing our cultural heritage with pride. The pattu pavadai is a celebration of this beauty of identity, the grace of femininity, and the innocence of a time and age. It is a marker, a milestone, and a reminder of the young girls we once were before we became women.
Our collection of pattu pavadai is designed to cater to the young girls of today, while still preserving the traditional beauty of the pavadai. We want to bring back the nostalgia of those precious childhood memories and create new ones for the young girls today.
We want to make them feel proud of their cultural heritage and tradition. We hope that our customers will enjoy wearing our collection and celebrate their cultural heritage with pride, while creating new memories that they will cherish forever.